In our experience, forcing anything or anyone to conform to something not meant for them – or into something that someone else “thought” would fit their needs, never ends well. Your business needs are no different. Every business has very specific niche needs, it isnt possible to incorporate all of these very specific needs into an “out-of-the-box” software application you buy on the shelf.
We have built Custom Software Applications for a wide range of uses, everything from:
Regardless of what the need is, we can build your solution. We all know the old adage “Time is Money“, well your time is extremely valuable. Having a system tailored and built for your business will not only revolutionize the way you do business, but it will change your life.
These are just a few of the ways that we can make your life easier:
During the planning process, we break out the most important features into Phase 1, we call this phase “MVP” which stands for “Minimum Viable Product.” This is the simplest usable version of the software. We do this so that you can start using your system and it can be generating money for you as soon as possible. Then we plan, build and deploy the remainder of your requested features into their own phases based on your needs and which items are most imporant to you.
The process will repeat steps 1 through 5 for every development phase.
All of our phases are quoted and billed out individually. This way it is easier on your budget as the costs are spread out over time. We offer a variety of payment options to try and make everything as comfortable and simple as possible.
Note: You own your Application. In accordance with our Cancellation Policy and our Terms and Conditions, you are welcome to take it with you in the event you ever decide to use another service provider.